Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mind's Eye by Hakan Nesser

Janek Mitter wakes up after a night of heavy drinking to find his wife, Eva Ringmar, dead in their bathtub. He calls the police and soon after is arrested and convicted of her murder. But DCI Van Veeteren is not convinced Mitter is guilty, especially after he turns up dead. Did the same person kill Janek and Eva and, if so, who could have possibly wanted the two schoolteachers dead? Van Veeteren and his team interview many people in order to try and find some clues that would lead them to the identity of the murderer. Mind's Eye is the first book in the Van Veeteren series, but the third to be translated into English and be published in the U.S. (after Borkmann's Point and The Return). Usually, I don't like the practice of publishing mysteries out of order. But, Mind's Eye is really the weakest of the three books (both in plot and especially characterization—Van Veeteren and his gang of policeman are quite unlikable at times). New readers should start with Borkmann's Point instead.

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